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要旨 拡大電子スコープの腺口形態診断(工藤分類)と病理組織診断の対応性から,腺口形態Ⅰ・Ⅱ型は非腫瘍(85%;159/187病変),ⅢL・ⅢS・Ⅳ型が腺腫または粘膜内癌(93%;4,339/4,673病変),Ⅴ型pitを認めればsm以深癌(98%;512/525病変)と診断可能であり,臨床的にはこのような3群分類(非腫瘍,粘膜内腫瘍,浸潤性腫瘍)が簡便かつ有意義であろうと結論された.なお,腺口形態診断によるsm癌診断の限界を測る目的でdesmoplastic reaction(DR)について検討したところ,sm癌393病変のうち組織学的に癌表面のDRを認めない粘膜残存病変の頻度は,隆起型29%(57/196)=表面隆起型29%(7/24)>陥凹型15%(11/73)であり,陥凹を伴わない病変に対する深達度診断の困難性がうかがえた.一方,serrated adenomaの通常内視鏡的特徴像は,松毬様絨毛状所見であるが,拡大観察による絨毛の鋸歯状所見(ⅣH型pit)が確認できれば,より確実な診断が得られると結論された.筆者らは,各疾患における病理組織学的な特徴像を病変の表面構造上にパターン化し,それを通常観察と腺口形態診断の両面から詳細に観察することで,更に病理診断に近づいた内視鏡診断の展開が十分可能であると考えている.
We examined how much the mucosal crypt patterns of colon polyps coincide with their histological findings. Mucosal crypt patterns were assessed by magnifying colonoscopy under indigo carmine spray (0.2%) and/or crystal violet staining and classified into three groups with modified Kudo's classification.
The coincidence rates of Type Ⅰ or Ⅱ crypt (non-nepotistic crypt pattern), type ⅢL, ⅢS, Ⅳ crypt (adenoma or intramucosal carcinoma crypt pattern), and Type Ⅴ (invasive carcinoma crypt pattern) were 85% (159/ 187), 93% (4,339/4,673), and 98% (512/525), respectively.
Type Ⅴ is characterized with irregular pits, which are mainly derived from desmoplastic reaction on the mucosal surface of invasive cancer. However, histological examination revealed that the reaction was not found in 29% (57/196) of protruding type, 29% (7/24) of flat elevated type, and 15% (11/73) of depressed type in submucosal cancer.
We demonstrated that crypt patterns of serrated adenoma show pine-cone like appearance (villous pattern) with serration and tubular appearance with serration under magnifying endoscopic examination.
Conclusion: Mucosal crypt patterns of colon lesions diagnosed endoscopically highly corresponded with their histologic diagnosis. We believe that magnifying colonoscopy is clinically useful for precise endoscopic diagnosis to distinguish the nature of colon lesions.

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