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Poorly Differenciated Advanced Colon Cancer, 4 mm in Diameter, Report of a Case Koji Sano 1 , Kiyotaka Okawa 2 , Tetsuya Aoki 2 , Hiroko Ohba 2 , Wataru Ueda 3 , Yutaro Egashira 4 1Department of Gastroenterology, Osaka City General Hospital, Osaka, Japan 2Department of Gastroenterology, Osaka City Sumiyoshi Hospital, Osaka, Japan 3Department of Gastroenterology, Osaka City Juso Hospital, Osaka, Japan 4Department of Pathology, Osaka Medical Collage, Osaka, Japan Keyword: 低分化大腸癌 , 小型進行癌 , 発育・進展 , 低分化早期大腸癌 , 10mm以下 pp.1757-1762
Published Date 2010/10/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403102038
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 A 66-year-old man was introduced to this hospital for further examination and treatment of polyps in the colon. An Is type polyp(4mm in diameter)was observed in the recto-sigmoid colon by colonoscopy. Endoscopic mucosal resection was performed, and poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma in the bottom layer mixed with well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma in the surface layer and moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma in the middle layer was found in the mucosal layer. Although the tumor did not pass through the muscular layer of the mucosa, it infiltrated into the submucosal lymphatic vessel, so an additional operation was conducted. Vascular invasion had spread to the lymphatic vessels in the surrounding adipose tissue. The illness was diagnosed as a poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma such as pT3(ss), ly3, v1, N3.

Copyright © 2010, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


