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要旨 超音波内視鏡(EUS)は細径プローブによる直視下に腫瘍を確認,流水下で行う.T1a-EPは内視鏡,拡大内視鏡所見を優先する.T1a-LPMはEUSで正確に診断できるため,迷った場合は,第4層の低エコー層(粘膜筋板)を描出し,これを基準として診断する.T1a-MM~SM1もEUSは有用である.SM2は内視鏡による表面からの診断に限界があるため,EUSの判定は正確で,特にSM3との鑑別に有用である.
Method : A high frequency ultrasonic probe was passed through the endoscopic channel. Scanning was performed at the site of the endoscopic finding when the lesions were covered with water. T1a-EP cancer was diagnosed by endoscopic findings or magnified endoscopic findings better than by EUS. T1a-LPM was also diagnosed by magnified endoscopic findings, but EUS also gave precise diagnoses by delineating the muscuralis mucosea. The diagnoses of T1a-MM and T1b-SM1 by EUS were good. EUS especially gave better results in the differential diagnosis between T1b-SM2 and T1b-SM3.

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