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要旨 特発性腸間膜静脈硬化症は,日本人を中心としたアジア人のみが罹患しているまれな疾患である.会議録を含み報告例139例をまとめると,平均年齢61.8歳,男女比は2:3であった.130例が日本人で,7例が台湾人,1例が香港人,1例がカナダに移住した台湾人であった.症状は腹痛が最も多く(62.6%),そのほか下痢,嘔気・嘔吐などであった.病変範囲は回盲部から横行結腸までが最も多かった(58.4%).また併存疾患として肝機能障害が最も多かった(18.7%).病因として親子,夫婦発症の症例があることから,漢方薬などの何かしらのtoxic agentにより起こっている可能性が考えられる.
Idiopathic mesenteric phlebosclerosis is a very rare disease, that has been reported only in Asian countries, especially in Japan. There were 139 cases reported. Among those cases, 130 patients were Japanese, 7 were Taiwanese, 1 was Chinese in Hong Kong and 1 was a Taiwanese living in Canada. The average age of these patients was 61.8 and 54 of them were male. The most common chief complaint was abdominal pain(62.6%). Typical endoscopic findings were seen from the ileocecum to the transverse colon in 73 patients(58.4%). Twenty-six patients(18.7%)had liver dysfunction. For the etiology, exposure to toxic agents such as Chinese herbs, may play a role in this disease.

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