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要旨 深達度ごとのリンパ節転移の頻度およびリンパ節転移に関連する原発巣での病理組織像の特徴を明らかにする目的で,当院におけるm3・sm癌手術例95例を病理学的に検討した.リンパ節転移は,m3症例16例中1例(6.3%),sm1症例10例中2例(20.0%),sm2症例34例中12例(35.3%),sm3症例35例中23例(65.7%)にみられ,脈管侵襲率はそれぞれ43.8%,70.0%,91.2%,94.3%であった.原発巣においてリンパ節転移を示唆する所見は脈管(リンパ管・静脈)侵襲像と小型胞巣の浸潤性増殖像と考えられた.EMRによる治療の際には,EMR検体の深達度と脈管侵襲の病理学的評価が重要である.
Ninety-five surgically resected cases of m3 and sm esophageal carcinoma were examined histopathologically, to evaluate the frequency of the permeation of vessels and lymph node metastasis. Lymph node metastasis was found in one of the 16 patients (6.3%) with m3 carcinoma, two of the 10 patients (20.0%) with sm1 carcinomas, 12 of the 34 patients (35.6%) with sm2 carcinomas and 23 of the 35 patients (65.7%) with sm3 carcinomas. Permeation of vessels was found in 43.8%, 70.0%, 91.2% and 94.3% of the m3, sm1, sm2 and sm3 lesions, respectively. In m3 and sm1 cases, all of the cases with lymph node metastasis showed lymphatic permeation. Moreover, most of the cases with lymphatic permeation were accompanied with infiltrative proliferation of small nests of cancer cells. In 34 sm2 cases, 3 cases without permeation of vessels were found. In application of EMR as therapy for m3/sm esophageal carcinomas, precise histopathological examination of resected specimens is required to clarify depth of invasion, permeation of vessels and pattern of invasion. Immunostaining with D2-40, a lymphatic endothelial marker, is a useful tool for detection of lymphatic permeation on histological slides.

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