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Background:In 2009, the Japanese government started the distribution of free-tickets for cervical and breast cancer screening for women of specific ages(cervical cancer screening:20, 25, 30, 35 and 40)using the supplemental annual budget, in order to boost low attendance rates at cancer screening in Japan. Ikeda-city has a population of around 100,000 and is located in north Osaka. The attendance rate at cancer screening in Ikeda-city was around 10% in 2008, lower than average for Osaka prefecture(around 20%). After distribution of the free-tickets in October 2009, the attendance rate did not increase significantly. We then mailed reminder letters to non-attendance. Method:We mailed reminder letters to non-attendees for cervical cancer screening aged 30 and 40(1,375 women)in 2009, and those who were aged 25 and 35(1,201 women)in 2010. We monitored the change of attendance rate in each age group(free-ticket only:25 and 35 in 2009, 30 and 40 in 2010, free-ticket+reminder:30 and 40 in 2009, 25 and 35 in 2010)between 2008 and 2010 to estimate the effect of sending free-tickets and reminder letters. Results:The total attendance rate of those aged 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 was 11.1% in 2008(before the free-ticket system)and increased to 32.7% in 2009 and 34.3% in 2010. The attendance rate of free-ticket+reminder increased considerably from 12.5% to 40.4% in 2009 and 41.4% in 2010. For age group of free-ticket only, the rate increased from 11.8% to 32.2% in 2009 and 33.6% in 2010. We estimated the effect of the free ticket to be a 20% increase in attendance in the free-ticket only group. An additional effect of the reminder was estimated as 8%, as a 28% increase was observed in the free-ticket+reminder group. Conclusion:The trial of the call/recall system was effective in one city in Osaka. To boost attendance rates for population-based cancer screening, we need to develop effective and sustainable systems of organised screening. Free screening and a call/recall system, based on defined target age and adequate frequency of screening, are essential.

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