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ビタミンD不足・欠乏が1型糖尿病や2型糖尿病,メタボリックシンドロームなどの代謝性疾患と関連することが,様々な疫学研究やメタ解析で示されている。しかし,いずれの疾患もビタミンD補充による糖代謝異常や肥満,脂質代謝異常などの改善効果は明らかにされておらず,因果関係の詳細は不明である。25-hydroxyvitamin D[25(OH)D]値が20 ng/mL未満のビタミンD欠乏例のみでの検討では,天然型ビタミンD補充による糖代謝改善効果を示す報告もあり,治療介入すべき25(OH)D値や必要補充量,補充期間などについて今後の検討が待たれる。
Numerous epidemiological studies and meta-analyses have indicated that there is a link between Vitamin D insufficiency/deficiency and metabolic disorders such as type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus as well as metabolic syndrome. However, vitamin D supplementation has not demonstrated improvement effects in obesity, disorders of glucose and lipid metabolism in any of these illnesses;therefore, the details of the causal relationship remain unclear. Improvement in glucose metabolism was observed in a study in which only vitamin D deficient patients with 25-hydroxyvitamin D[25(OH)D]levels of less than 20 ng/mL were given native vitamin D supplementation. Further studies are needed to determine the 25(OH)D level at which intervention is needed along with the required amount and duration of such supplementation.