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近年,弓部大動脈瘤に対する外科治療は,手術手技の向上,脳保護を含めた補助手段の改良などにより良好な結果が報告1)されている.しかし,この領域における深い末梢吻合により技術的難易度が高いこと,脳分枝血管の再建や左開胸追加,反回神経麻痺などの脳神経合併症や呼吸器合併症の問題など,現在でも多くの問題を有している.Katoら2)により考案されたopen stent-grafting(OSG)[ないしfrozen elephant trunk(FET)]は,遠位弓部大動脈瘤(DAA)や広範囲胸部大動脈瘤(TAA)に対し胸骨正中切開のみで,かつ一期的に瘤を処置できる画期的な手術法であり,現在その良好な初期遠隔成績から不可欠な治療法となっている3,4).しかし,FETは胸部ステントグラフト内挿術(TEVAR)や従来の外科的血行再建術に比し脊髄障害(spinal cord injury:SCI)が多いと報告4)されている.本法の臨床成績向上にはこの問題解決がもっとも重要な課題である一方,その発生機序は多因子関与が考えられ,いまだ不明な点も多く5),決定的解決法がないのが現状である.
Purpose:We investigated pre- and intraoperative factors contributing to the occurrence of spinal cord injury (SCI) in our frozen elephant trunk (FET).
Methods:A total of 109 cases to January 2024 were included in this study and divided into 98 cases in the SCI (-) group and 11 cases in the SCI (+) group. Statistical methods included Student t test and χ2 test for univariate analysis and logistic regression analysis for multivariate analysis, with p<0.05 indicating statistically significant differences.
Results:Univariate analysis:Pre- and intra-operative factors that showed statistically differences between the two groups were surgical history of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA)[p=0.032], emergency surgery (p=0.020), implantation of below Th8 (p<0.001), which were more frequent in the SCI (+) group;distal perfusion (DP)[p=0.004] was protective in the SCI (-) group. Multivariate analysis:Standard partial regression coefficient were below Th8 (0.0273;95%confidence interval (CI) 0.103~0.494;p=0.003), postoperative AAA (0.265;0.081~0.383;p=0.003), DP (-0.183;-0.225~-0.003;p=0.044), emergency (0.169;0.005~0.254;p=0.059), odds ratios for postoperative AAA [odds rate (OR)=15.83;95%CI 2.35~106.79;p=0.003], below Th8 (6.91;1.10~43.33;p=0.003), emergency (5.36;1.03~27.87;p=0.059), DP (0.18;0.03~0.94;p=0.044).
Conclusion:The results suggested that history of AAA surgery and below Th8 implantation of FET were strongly associated as procedural factors with SCI, and that DP was effective in preventing SCI.
© Nankodo Co., Ltd., 2025