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On-X弁(On-X Life Technologies社)を用いた大動脈弁置換術(AVR)の良好な成績が報告されている1~6).われわれはOn-X弁によるAVRを4例に施行し,最長15年の経過観察をしえたので報告する.
This is 4-case report of aortic valve replacement (AVR) with an On-X valve (On-X Life Technologies). Case 1 (64-year-old male) underwent AVR (23-mm valve) and mitral valve replacement, and 2 years later was diagnosed refractory pyogenic spondylitis from a traffic accident. Case 2 (57-year-old male) and Case 3 (59-year-old male) received a 21-mm valve. Case 3 had cerebellar hemorrhage without any abnormal neurological deficits in 11 years after AVR. Case 4 (65-year-old female) was implanted with a 19-mm valve. All cases have been doing well in New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional class Ⅰ or Ⅱ without any thromboembolic or major hemorrhagic events for 15, 13, 12, and 9 years, respectively. Their On-X valve performance by echocardiography were similar to those in “On-X instructions for use” and other reports and have been maintained during the follow-up period. The On-X valve demonstrated good long-term results, although further study is needed.
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