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はじめに 大動脈一尖弁は時として上行大動脈径の拡大を合併する非常にまれな疾患であり,われわれはその経験を文献的考察を加えて報告する.
A 53-year-old male was admitted to our hospital due to severe aortic stenosis and mild aortic regurgitation. The patient had no heart failure symptoms, but aortic stenosis progressed year by year. Aortic valve dysfunction caused by unicuspid aortic valve (UAV). Intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography contributed to diagnose UAV, three-dimentional echocardiographic imaging can be used for better evaluation. Intraoperative finding showed one open commissure between the left- and non-coronary cusp position, and this shape of valve is classified unicommissural unicuspid aortic valve. Also ascending aortic dilatation was found in this case, we replaced both ascending aorta and aortic valve. The postoperative course was uneventful. We report a very rare case of unicuspid aortic valve including aortic dilatation.

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