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For posterior basal segmentectomy of lower lung, pulmonary ligament approach is rational. That is direct and shortest approach to the resected lung, and can leave lung fissure intact, needless to expose interlober vessels and bronchus, which enables surgeons to perform second surgery easily.
1. Retract lower lobe cranially, and divide pulmonary ligament until lower pulmonary vein (PV) is exposed.
2. Identify and dissect segmental vein.
3. Segmental bronchus is lying beside the resected vein and running across the vein. Identify and cut.
4. Artery and bronchus run parallel. Expose segmental artery and dissect it.
5. Identify intersegmental plane and divide lung parenchyma
To master this approach, surgeons need to adopt specific inverted view and 3-dimensional computed tomography (3D-CT) is useful for pre-operative simulation.
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