

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Thymectomy Masayoshi Inoue 1 , Hiroaki Tsunezuka 1 1Division of Thoracic Surgery, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine Keyword: thymectomy , myasthenia gravis , thymoma pp.859-863
Published Date 2019/9/20
DOI https://doi.org/10.15106/j_kyobu72_859
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Extended thymectomy reported by Masaoka in 1981 is a standard surgical treatment in patients with myasthenia gravis. Thoracoscopic thymectomy, which could be less invasive, has been widely accepted for an anterior mediastinal lesion in addition to the conventional median sternotomy approach. In thoracoscopic thymectomy, artificial pneumothorax using carbon deoxide (CO2) insufflation or chest wall lifting using rib hook can contribute to make better surgical view with enough working space. Recently, thoracoscopic thymectomy with subxiphoid approach has been reported with its usefulness. Since MGTX trial revealed the significant efficacy of thymectomy in myasthenia gravis patients aged up to 65, the number of patients having operative indication may increase. Therefore, thoracic surgeons should acquire the safe and effective technical skill of thymectomy.

© Nankodo Co., Ltd., 2019


電子版ISSN 2432-9436 印刷版ISSN 0021-5252 南江堂


