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大動脈弁置換術(AVR)や僧帽弁置換術(MVR)などの単弁置換術は外科医の登竜門として位置づけられてきたが,外科的弁形成やカテーテル的弁置換術の急速拡大の中,症例数は減少し,かつ外科医にはより質の高い弁置換が求められるようになった.本稿では確実な弁置換術を行うための人工弁縫合の基本手技とコツ,そして将来の経カテーテル的弁置換術を見据えたup to dateを学ぶことを目的とする.
We surgeons have to achieve a good result for surgical valve replacement which is not inferior to trans-catheter heart valve treatments. This column aimed to learn fundamental skills for surgical valve implantation and to learn types of suturing techniques. For updated information, we mentioned about choice of valve and suturing technique for valve-in-valve procedure into surgical valve. We should take into consideration valve type, size, and how-to implantation of surgical valve which would affect the future valve-in-valve procedure.

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