

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


The Status of Cooperation between Public Health Nurses and Related Professionals inProviding Medication Support for Older Adults with Tuberculosis in A Community-based Directly Observed Treatment Short-course (DOTS) Nanako KARAI 1 , Etsuko FUCHITA 2 1ex Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine 2Kawasaki City College of Nursing Faculty of Nursing Keyword: 結核 , 地域DOTS , 保健師 , 連携 , 高齢者 , tuberculosis , community-based DOTS , public health nurse , cooperation , older adults pp.27-36
Published Date 2024/6/30
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.7009200384
  • Abstract
  • Reference


Objectives: This study clarified the status of cooperation between public health nurses and related professionals in providing medication support to older adults with tuberculosis in a community based-Directly Observed Treatment Short-course (DOTS).

Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven public health nurses and eight related professionals. The codes for cooperation between public health nurses and related professionals were extracted from the interview contents. Themes regarding cooperation between public health nurses and related professionals were sorted by comparing inter-disciplinary similarities in the codes.

Results: The status of cooperation between public health nurses and related professionals was classified as follows: developing a foundation for face-to-face cooperation, sharing the knowledge and information required for providing support to patients with tuberculosis, building a medication support system with services, managing medication status according to individual issues, and sharing comprehensive treatment statuses, including physical monitoring.

Discussion: For public health nurses to cooperate smoothly with related professionals, establishing “faceto- face cooperation” may be necessary in the early stages. Moreover, these professionals should be provided with accurate knowledge about tuberculosis. Additionally, cooperation between public health nurses and related professionals enables the utilisation of services that meet the individual needs of older adults with tuberculosis. It further promotes medication support using older patients’ abilities and tuberculosis treatment that considers older adults’ physical condition.

Copyright © 2024, Japan Society of Nursing and Health Care All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 1345-2606 日本看護医療学会


