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The purpose of this study is to examine psychological complexities that affect restructuring of the life history of patients who are going to initiate dialysis and have a given life history leading up to the over-middle-aged that includes living with diabetes mellitus. Five patients were studied using a semi-structured interview, and the following three conflicting complexities were found.
(1)“Life with dialysis reduces fun and challenge” vs. “Need for the discovery of new pleasures,” (2)“Life with dialysis brought about a sense of stagnation of self-development” vs. “Acceptance of dialysis as a result of new roles” and(3)“Resignation as a result of sense of helplessness and guilt” vs. “Accepting reality and preserving self-consistency.” It is important for patients restructuring their life history to discover their own feeling toward how they represent their past experiences and their current status and how they focus on their future. Therefore, from the viewpoint of life restructuring, care that identifies the complexities of the patient's experiences during their past life history and psychological features targeting the patient's future outlook is required. The need for such care was suggested.
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