

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Cross-Cultural Experiences of Immigrant Chinese Mothers Caring for Their Children in Japanese Society:The Process of Coping with Difficulties Chie Kawasaki 1 , Kiyomi Asahara 2 1National Institute of Public Health, Department of Health Promotion 2St.Luke's College of Nursing Keyword: 在日外国人女性 , 育児 , 異文化看護 , 文化変容 , 社会的公正 , 質的研究 , immigrant women , child birth , transcultural nursing , acculturation , social justice , qualitative research pp.52-62
Published Date 2012/12/20
  • Abstract
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 Objective: To describe the difficulties faced by immigrant Chinese mothers caring for their children in Japan and their process of coping with cross-cultural experiences.

 Methods: We conducted semi-structured interviews of 8 Chinese-Japanese mothers living in the Tokyo metropolitan area who had given birth to and were caring for their children in Japan. A qualitative descriptive research method was used.

 Results: We found 3 categories of difficulties that these women faced repeatedly: 1) Could not imagine how to be a Japanese mother; 2) Were confronted by a wall of a different culture; 3) Lost their sense of self in cross-cultural experiences. We found 1 common category of coping: We found 1 category of outcomes from coping with difficulties: They found new identities as mothers with both Japanese and Chinese cultural characteristics.

 Conclusion: We found that they coped with their difficulties by observational learning and imitation, and that this result resembles the stage theory of culture shock proposed by Pedersen; that is, Chinese-Japanese mothers experienced intercultural adjustment and mothering together over time, because caring for their children forced them to acclimate to their new culture.

Copyright © 2012, Japan Academy of Nursing Science. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-8888 印刷版ISSN 0287-5330 日本看護科学学会


