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要旨:長母指伸筋腱再建術後に新型コロナウイルス感染症に罹患したことで入院個別リハビリテーション(以下,リハ)を継続できなくなった症例に対して,代替手段として20日間の遠隔リハおよび看護師とのチームアプローチを実施した.結果,長母指伸筋腱再建術部の再断裂や癒着を防ぎ,母指機能(母指指節関節自動伸展角度24°)を維持できた.最終評価では母指指節関節自動伸展角度20°, Hand20で15項目の日常生活動作の改善が得られた.以上より,長母指伸筋腱再建術後に通常の入院個別リハの代替手段として実施した遠隔リハおよび看護師とのチームアプローチが,母指機能や主観的評価の改善に寄与した可能性が考えられた.
For patients who were unable to continue inpatient individual rehabilitation due to contracting a new coronavirus infection after extensor pollicis longus tendon reconstruction, we implemented 20 days of telerehabilitation and a team approach with nurses as an alternative method. As a result, we were able to prevent re-rupture and adhesion of the extensor pollicis longus tendon reconstruction site, and maintain the thumb function (automatic extension angle of the thumb phalangeal joint at 24°). At the final evaluation, the automatic extension angle of the thumb-phalangeal joint was 20°, and the hand improved 15 items of activities of daily living. Based on the above, we believe that telerehabilitation and a team approach with nurses, which were implemented as an alternative to the usual inpatient individual rehabilitation after extensor pollicis longus tendon reconstruction, contributed to the improvement of thumb function and subjective evaluation.

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