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要旨:右上下肢の運動麻痺と失語症を呈した脳卒中患者一事例に対して,シングルケースデザイン(BAB法)を用いてTransfer Package(以下,TP)の効果を検証した.A期は標準的作業療法(関節可動域練習,課題指向型練習,日常生活動作練習,家事動作練習)を実施,B1期・B2期は標準的作業療法とTPを実施した.結果,B1期およびB2期ではA期に比べ,Fugl-Meyer Assessmentの上肢項目,麻痺手の使用頻度と動作の質の改善を認めた.TPは失語症患者に対しても有用なアプローチである可能性が示唆された.
We examined the effect of Transfer Package (TP) using the single case design (BAB method) for a stroke patient with motor paralysis and aphasia of the right upper and lower limbs. Standard occupational therapy (range of motion exercises, task-oriented training, activities of daily living exercises, and housework exercises) was performed in stage A, and standard occupational therapy and TP were performed in stages B1 and B2. As a result, in the B1 and B2 stages, compared with the A stage, improvements were observed in the Fugl-Meyer Assessment upper extremity items, the frequency of use of the paralyzed hand, and the quality of movement. Therefore, TP may be a useful approach for patients with aphasia.

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