

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


The living conditions of patients living alone in flophouses after being discharged from a rehabilitation hospital: A survey of care managers Hiroaki Hosokawa 1 , Shiho Kobayashi 1 , Natsuki Inoue 1 , Junko Hayashi 1 1Saiseikai Kanagawaken Hospital Keyword: アンケート , 生活環境 , 高齢者 , 回復期 , Questionnaire , Living environment , Old people , Rehabilitation period pp.97-100
Published Date 2016/2/15
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 Care managers supporting disabled individuals who live alone in a flophouse in the Kotobuki district in Japan were surveyed. It was revealed that the flophouse's rooms were characteristically cramped, and the occupants shared kitchens and bathrooms. The occupants received assistance through the national insurance, as well as volunteer support and help which was characteristic to this area of Tokyo. Due to lack of support from family and friends, these life support services maintained the health of and communication with the flophouse occupants. The insufficient rooms and common areas became apparent. In conclusion, those who were discharged to Kotobuki district from rehabilitation hospitals received a variety of support. However, the simple accommodations present obstacles to a health lifestyle.

Copyright © 2016, Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0289-4920 日本作業療法士協会


