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要旨 目的:脳卒中後の上肢痙縮に対し2度,A型ボツリヌス毒素(BoNT-A)を投与し,その効果を検討した.方法:2度のBoNT-A投与を受け,それぞれの投与前後で評価を実施できた慢性期脳卒中患者112名(55.5±11.6歳,平均±SD)を対象とした.麻痺側上肢の複数の痙縮筋に対して,3カ月以上間隔をあけBoNT-Aを2回投与し,自主トレーニングを指導した.各々の投与前,投与1カ月後と3カ月後に,改訂Ashworthスケール(MAS),関節角度(肢位)(ROM),Fugl-Meyer Assessment(FMA)の上肢各項目を評価した.結果:FMA総計,下位項目AとB,MASは,初回投与前後のみならず,初回投与後と2度目投与後との比較でも,有意な改善を認めた(p<0.05).下位項目Dは,2度目投与前後で有意に改善した(p<0.05).結論:2度のBoNT-A投与で,痙縮の軽減のみならず上肢運動機能で更なる改善を認めた.訓練を継続した上でBoNT-A投与を繰り返すことの重要性が示唆された.
Abstract Background : The aim of this study was to assess the effects of repeated injections of botulinum toxin type A (BoNT-A) combined with a rehabilitative program for treating spastic upper limb hemiparesis after stroke. Subjects and methods : Subjects were 112 poststroke hemiparetic patients with spastic upper limb (mean age : 55.5±11.6 years ±SD, mean period between onset and first injection : 5.1±3.5 years). For each patient, BoNT-A (maximum dose of each injection : 240 units) was injected in the spastic muscles of the affected upper limb twice with a minimum interval of 3 months. Following each injection, detailed one-to-one instructions for home-based functional training was provided. At the baseline (before injection) and at 1 and 3 month follow-ups after each injection, the patient's modified Ashworth scale (MAS), the range of motion (ROM) and Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA) were evaluated. Results : The total score for the upper limb and the scores of categories A and B of the FMA increased significantly not only after the first injection but after the second injection compared with the second baseline, while the FMA score for category D increased significantly only after the second injection. MAS also decreased significantly not only after the first injection but after the second injection compared to the second baseline. Conclusion : A more significant improvement was found not only in muscle spasticity but also in upper limb motor function after two BoNT-A injections. It is suggested that repeated BoNT-A injections followed by a comprehensive rehabilitative program would be an effective treatment for limb spasticity after a stroke.

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