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Communication breakdown and the use of repair strategies of moderately hard of hearing children were studied by comparing with those of normal hearing peers. Seven subjects from five to six years of age who were able to use hearing aids stably by the age of three years and four months participated in this study, along with seven normal hearing children of similar ages. Fifteen minutes of free conversation between the tester and each individual was recorded using an IC recorder. Each recording was analyzed for the frequency of communication breakdown and the use of repair strategies. In addition, the relationship between communication breakdown and individual factors such as speech reception ability, age of hearing aids use, verbal IQ, and the mean length of utterance, was examined. The study results showed that the hard of hearing children had communication breakdown more frequently and used repair strategies less effectively compared to their normal hearing peers. The frequency of communication breakdown tended to decrease with the increase in the mean length of utterance. The results suggest that improving language competence as well as teaching the use of repair strategies is important for reducing communication breakdown in moderately hard of hearing children.
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