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◆要旨:症例は86歳,男性.半年前からの上腹部の腫脹を主訴に受診.身体所見では上腹部正中に約5cmの膨隆を認めた.CTでは上腹部白線上に約1cmのヘルニア門と脂肪織の脱出所見を認め,剣状突起下2cmから臍に至る4cm幅の腹直筋離開を伴っていた.腹直筋離開を伴う白線ヘルニアの診断でsubcutaneous onlay laparoscopic approach(以下,SCOLA法)を施行した.腹直筋前鞘を露出する層で,皮下組織の剝離を十分に行い,ヘルニア門と腹直筋離解を閉鎖し,皮下剝離範囲を測定して,15×10cm大のself gripping meshを留置した.SCOLA法は腹直筋離開を伴う白線ヘルニアに対する治療選択肢として有用である.
An 86-year-old man presented with swelling in the upper abdomen for six months. Physical examination revealed a 5 cm protrusion in the midline of the upper abdomen. Additionally, computed tomography showed a 1 cm hernial orifice located 2 cm caudal to the xiphoid process, a large fat tissue protruding from the orifice, and diastasis recti with inter-rectus distance of 4 cm. A subcutaneous onlay laparoscopic approach(SCOLA)was performed, and an epigastric hernia with rectus diastasis was detected. Overall, the SCOLA was useful in treating epigastric hernias with rectus diastasis.

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