

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


The structure of the nail Eitaro Kohira 1 1Department of Anatomy, School of Medicine, Juntendo University pp.311-318
Published Date 1963/12/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.2425906303
  • Abstract
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Some human fingers were longitudinally cutted, and the sections were examined through a streoscopic microscope. Then, some celloidin embedded materials of nails were immersed in ammonium thioglycolate to make sections of 5 to 30μ or more. In addition, paraffin sections of 5μ or smaller were also made. Further, some other nails were observed through electron microscope. The following is the resuls of these observations:

 From the front edge of the nail lunula extending to the hind edge of the nail root, there is a thin layer (let us temporarily call it Ranvier's layer) which looks white macroscopically. The front edge of this layer falls exactly on the front edge of the nail lunula. The Ranvier's layer of an adult is 60μ or more in thickness, and its cells contain a large quantity of granular substance which is called substance onychogène (Ranvier, L. 1875). This fact makes this layer looks brown by the transmitting light and brilliantly white by the fall light.

 Stubstance onychogène in a paraffin section of 5μ or less in thickness presents a delicate fibrous form. It is intensely stained in Heidenhain's iron-hematoxylin. It is also stained well in eosin, acid-fuchsin and orange G. Furthermore, it is stained specifically with Pearse's staining method.

 Electronmicroscopically observed, substance onychogène is a small column of about 0.25μ in short diameter and 2.5μ in long diameter. It has a high electron density, and looks homogeneous. It is identified as what is called keratinized tonofibril.

 From the above observation the following conclusions are obtained:

 1) The whiteness of the nail lunula is due to the irregular reflection of substance onychogène (Ranvier, L. 1875).

 2) Substance onchogène is not granules, but keratinized tonofibrils.

Copyright © 1963, THE ICHIRO KANEHARA FOUNDATION. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1883-5503 印刷版ISSN 0370-9531 金原一郎記念医学医療振興財団


