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近年,わが国では認知症ケアの質の確保と向上のため,Person-centred Careへの転換が強く求められるようになってきた。本研究の目的は,地域における施設相互のPerson-centred Careを実現するために地域モデルの確立をめざして,認知症ケアマッピング(dementia care mapping ; DCM)を用いた施設同士の相互評価を実施し,認知症高齢者とスタッフに及ぼす効果を検証することである。
It is recently becoming critical to make the shift toward Person Centred Care (PCC) in order to ensure and improve quality care for the elderly with dementia in Japan. The purpose of the study was to clarify the efficacy for the elderly with dementia and care staffs in mutual evaluation and exchange among institutions using Dementia Care Mapping (DCM) in order to establish the community model which can practice PCC.
Mutual evaluation among five institutions using DCM was conducted in a community. As “evaluation and exchange participants” were selected from staff members in order to take part in evaluating other institutions using DCM. Following two mutual evaluation DCM sessions among institutions, the impact on dementia care was studied through questionnaires to staff members and managers, evaluation and exchange participants, as well as through focus group interviews, conducted both before and after the mutual evaluation sessions. Before and after results were compared, the mutual evaluation showed increased actions that link to stronger interaction among the elderly with dementia. Among evaluation and exchange participants, there were many comments that indicate “visits to and exchange with other institutions brings new insights and learning”. While some staff members expressed positive comments such as “it provided an opportunity to find out how I myself have been providing care”, on the other hand some negative comments were shown.
Evaluation and exchange participants can reflect their own care objectively and find the problems to aim the quality care. Behavioral change that led to increased mutual interaction was observed among the elderly service users, indicating that the scheme has certain level of efficacy in dementia care. However it was found that the prior explanation of the staffs was needed to inform and understand the mutual evaluation among institutions using DCM.

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