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Urolithiasis is a common disease in an out-patient urological clinic. The main symptom is severe back, flank, and lower abdominal pain with hematuria. It sometimes leads to a serious urinary tract infection. Consequently, the initial diagnosis and primary care are extremely important. On the other hand, urinary stone disease recurs easily if suitable prevention is not performed. An elucidation of urinary stone diathesis is essential after stone removal. In the Japanese clinical guidelines for urinary stone treatment, peripheral blood cell count, blood chemistry, stone component analysis, and urinary evaluation are indicated as an evaluation of urinary stone. 24-hour urine collection is very useful for patients with recurrent stone episodes. Urolithiasis is a multi-factorial disease. Consequently, we have to evaluate these data comprehensively. Clinical laboratory investigation, especially urine evaluation, is mandatory for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of recurrence of urinary stone disease.
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