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最近,増加の一途をたどる鼻アレルギーは,Coombsらの分類によると,I型のアレルギーであり,石坂らにより発見されたIgEが関底与し,IgEはmast cellやbasophilに結合し,抗原と反応することによりchcmical mcdiaterの放出がおこり,症状を発現するという。そして.chemical mediaterとして最も重要なものが,ヒスタミンである。
1) The amount of histamine contained in the inferior turbinates of 4 allergic patients and of 4 non-allergic, and in nasal polyps of 7 patients was measured by the modified Shore method.
2) The amount of histamine in the inferior turbinates was 101.6 n mole/g wet weight in allergic patients, 86.9 in non-allergic, and that of histamine in nasal polyps was 141.8 ; that is, nasal polyps contained more histamine than the inferior turbinates, and from the point of view of its amount per tissue protein this difference was significant.
3) The results did not show that it was a useful parameter to measure the amount of histamine to know whether a disease is allergic or not.
4) It may become an useful means to measure the amount of histamine contained in the tissue or in the blood when we consider the mechanism of an attack of nasal allergy or of growing of a nasal polyp.
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