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Traumatic subacute subdural hematoma is a condition in which the major symptoms affecting prognosismost appear in the subacute stage after head trauma, while traumatic acute subdural hematoma is treatedconservatively when the symptoms are mild. The cause of the major symptoms occuring in the subacutestage is mostly expansion of the subdural hematoma volume. The authors report a case of traumatic sub-acute subdural hematoma in which the cause of the major symptoms was cerebral hemispheric edema in-stead of expansion of the subdural hematoma volume. To our knowledge, only one similar case to the pre-sent case has been previously reported.
A 44-year-old female fell from the stairs on July 21, 1995 and was suffering from headache. on July 23,she was admitted to our hospital because of generalized convulsion. On admission, she was drowsy butshowed no convulsion. Head CT showed an acute subclural hematoma on the right side with a slight mid-line shift and no other abnormalities. She was treated conservatively because of the mildness of the symp-toms and two days later became alert with no symptoms. Thereafter she only complained of occasionalheadache which was controlled with medicine. On August 3, she suddenly fell into coma. Head CTshowed severe cerebral hemispheric edema on the right side without change of the subclural hematomasize. Emergency cerebral angiography showed no definitive abnormalities such as occlusion of the arteriesor of the venous sinuses. Craniotomy associated with external decompression was performed. The hema-toma was composed of red-brown jelly accompanied with some liquid component and had a thin black-brown outer membrane. While removing the hematoma, bleeding from a vein on the cerebral surfacearound the sylvian fissure was observed and this location was suspected to be the sources of the bleedingpoint. Postoperatively, she received steroid and barbiturate therapy associated with moderate hypothermiaunder hyperventilation. She tolerated this treatment well and left the hospital, on September 26, 1995 withonly diplopia during downward gaze.
Although the mechanisms of the cerebral hemispheric edema occurring in the subacute stage was un-clear, a failure in the cerebral venous circulation arising from compression to the bridging veins, whichmay be hypoplastic, by the subdural hematoma was suspected to have been the cause.

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