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放射線誘発脳腫瘍は放射線治療の普及に伴って世に知られるようになり,小児期白血病の予防的頭蓋照射後,さらには頭部白癬に対する低線量の放射線治療においても脳腫瘍の発生頻度が有意に高いことが報告されている2,11,14-16,18).これらの報告の多くは,小児期の疾患に対する放射線照射後に長い期間を経ての発症であり,長期生存例における問題点の1つとなっている.そのほかにも脳腫瘍に対する放射線治療後に,新たな脳腫瘍が発生することも問題となっている.その代表的な疾患として髄芽腫があり,近年劇的な生命予後の改善により,長期生存例で放射線照射による高次脳機能障害と併せて,放射線誘発脳腫瘍の危険性も考慮する必要がでてきている.同様に,low grade gliomaや下垂体腺腫などの比較的悪性度の低い疾患への放射線照射後の誘発脳腫瘍の報告も散見される19).今後はhigh grade gliomaなどの悪性腫瘍においても,手術による摘出率の向上,新規薬剤の開発,放射線照射技術の発展などにより治療成績の向上が期待されるため,再発と併せて放射線誘発脳腫瘍の危険性も考慮していく必要がある.今回われわれは,壮年期のoligodendrogliomaに対する放射線照射から3年6カ月と早期に発症したradiation-induced meningioma(RIM)を経験したので報告する.
We describe an adult case of radiation-induced meningioma(RIM)that was identified within a short interval from the initial treatment for brain tumor. A 45-year-old woman, who had tumor resection followed by radiation therapy for right frontal oligodendroglioma, showed a small enhanced lesion on the right frontal region 3 years and 6 months after the initial radiation therapy. The pathological diagnosis was meningioma(World Health Organization(WHO)grade Ⅰ)and the Ki-67 labeling index was 3.2%. Most RIMs occur after a long period of time(18.7-24.0 years on average)following radiation therapy. Several studies have suggested that the period before the occurrence of RIM is correlated with both the age of a patient and the radiation dose at the time of radiation therapy. A patient that receives a higher dose of radiation at a younger age has a higher risk of RIM occurrence. In this case, the patient was middle aged;however, she was exposed to a high dose of radiation(54 Gy). High-dose radiation might induce the early onset of RIM. Recently, treatments for glioma have been developed, thus resulting in an increased long-term survival rate among patients. Physicians must pay attention not only to the recurrence of gliomas but also to the occurrence of RIMs.

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