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幼小児は比較的軽い頭部外傷でもしばしば嘔吐するが,頭蓋内血腫や脳挫傷を否定するためにはCT scanが非常に有用である.最近われわれは,外傷後4日目に急性頭蓋内血腫の発症を疑い,CT scanを施行したところ,頭蓋内血腫は存在しなかったが,微小な血腫が中脳水道を閉塞し急性水頭症を併発しているのを認め,受傷後7日目のCT scanでは,中脳水道内血腫の消失とともに水頭症の自然寛解を認めるという興味ある症例を経験した.われわれの調べた限り本例のような症例の報告はない.ここに本症例とCT scanを呈示するとともに,本症例における水頭症の発生と自然寛解の機序について若干の考察を加える.
One and a half years old boy was admitted with vomiting and somnolence four days after head injury. The first CT scans taken on admission showed high density areas in the prepontine and ambient cisterns and in the aqueduct. The lateral and third ventricles were dilated, while the fourth ventricle was normal. On the 2nd hospital day he was nearly asymptomatic. The second CT scans done seven days after injury no longer revealed the high density areas and the ventricular dilatation.
Vomiting is one of the most important signs for intracranial mass lesions after head injury.

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