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テント上congenital dermal sinusは,比較的,稀である3,11).しかも,その大部分は頭頂後頭部と,後頭蓋窩との間に関係をもっている.さらに大脳鎌内に認められるものは,きわめて稀れである3,11).われわれは,3歳女児で,頭頂部正中線上で,しかも大脳鎌内のcon-genital dermal sinusの症例を,経験したので報告する.
A congenital dermal sinus at the midline of the parietal region, which extends into the falx, is relatively rare. The following case is illustrative. A 3-year-old girl was noticed by her parents to have tumor at the midline of the parietal region without other disturbances and com-plaints. This girl had the normal mental and motor de-velopment, and was admitted to our clinic for cosmetic surgery. A round, elastic soft tumor, roughly 1×1×1 cm in diameter, was located at the midline of the parietal region. This tumor had a port wine cutaneous discolo-ration and an absence of normal hair growth in this area.

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