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われわれは,これまで片側顔面痙攣に対する神経減圧術中の顔面異常筋電図(abnormal muscle response:AMR)が,術後の症状消失を予測する術中モニタリングとして有用であることを報告してきた1,2,19).しかし,実際手術中のAMR所見によって手術操作がどのように変わるのかという,AMRモニタリングの及ぼす影響についての具体的な検討はなされていない.Mooijら12)はAMR所見を4つのカテゴリー,すなわち,Guiding:最初に圧迫していると思われた血管がAMR所見から責任血管ではないことがわかり新たな操作を追加した群,Confirming:責任血管を減圧してAMRが消失した群,Indirect confirming:髄液排出によりAMRが消失した群,Inconclusive:術中にAMRの決定的な変化が認められなかった群に分類し,予後との関係を検討した.その結果,Guiding群が74例中25例(33.8%),Confirming群が74例中39例(52.7%)で,統計学的な有意差には至らなかったが,他の2群に比べて術後の症状消失の率が高い傾向があったと報告している.
Objective: Intraoperative abnormal muscle response (AMR) monitoring is used as an indicator of postoperative outcome in patients with hemifacial spasm (HFS). We investigated whether AMR findings influence manipulation of microvascular decompression and improve the postoperative results.
Materias and methods: Subjects were 102 HFS patients who underwent AMR monitoring during surgery. The value of AMR monitoring was classified into four categories: a guiding, a confirming, an indirect confirming, or an inconclusive role. The relationship between AMR monitoring results and surgical outcome was analyzed.
Results: The overall cure rate was 92.2%. A guiding role of AMR monitoring was apparent in 13.7% of patients, and a confirming role was demonstrated in 53.9% of patients. The cure rate was 92.9% in patients defined as guiding, and 96.4% in patients defined as confirming cases. When the AMR remained disappearance until completion of decompression in patients assigned in indirect confirming, 13 of 15 patients (86.7%) experienced resolution postoperatively. In patients defined as inconclusive cases, 14 of 16 patients (87.5%) in whom AMR still presented but its amplitude decreased at the end of surgery experienced complete resolution.
Conclusions: This study demonstrates that meticulous evaluation of AMR findings intraoperatively can help to improve the results of surgery. We believe that intraoperative AMR monitoring is useful in microvascular decompression for HFS.

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