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一方,皮質下の構造が,言語機能に関与することを示唆する研究もかなりの数にのぼり,とくに視床が言語機能に関与することを示唆する研究が多い。Smyth and Stern(1938)およびCheek and Taveras(1966)は視床腫瘍で,Penfield and Roberts(1959),Fisher(1961)およびCiemins(1970)は視床出血で失語症が発現した症例を報告している(とくに,Cieminsの報告は2例の剖検例である)。
The language disorders encountered in 3 cases after stereoencephalotomy are described.
1) Forty two stereoencephalotomies were done for 38 cases, including Parkinsonism (28 cases), 4 intractable pain (4 cases), tremor (4 case), violent behavior (1 case) and epilepsy (1 case). These stereoencephalotomies (38 cases) consisted of 34 subthalamotomies (32 cases), 4 CM-thalamotomies (3 cases), and 4 hypothalamotomics (3 cases). All cases were righthanded except an ambidexrous case.

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