

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


The involvement of brain monoaminergic systems in emotion Ryoi Tamura 1 , Taketoshi Ono 2 1Department of Integrative Neuroscience, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Toyama 2Department of Molecular and Integrative Emotional Neuroscience, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Toyama Keyword: モノアミン , 情動 , 視床下部外側野 , ドパミン受容体遺伝子ノックアウトマウス pp.53-67
Published Date 2006/2/10
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1431100020
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Brain monoamines consist of dopamine, noradrenaline, adrenaline and sertonin. Most of the monoamine neurons in each group are localized in the brainstem and form cell clusters. The monoamine that is released from the nerve terminal produces its action through specific receptors;a part of released monoamines is re-uptaken to the terminal through the transporter system. The involvement of these monoamines in emotion has been studied extensively in the context of brain reward system, anxiety, affective disorder, and aggressive behaviors.

 We have recorded neuronal activity in the lateral hypothalamus(LHA)while the rat performed a tone-discrimination task;we found that 1)some LHA neurons responded discriminatively between rewarding and aversive stimuli, and 2)the catecholaminergic or cholinergic inputs are critical for the responsiveness of these neurons to the stimuli associated with reward or aversion, respectively. Furthermore, we have recently demonstrated that the mice lacking a dopamine receptor subtype(D1 or D2)exhibit changes in sensitivity to rewarding brain stimulation, locomotion activity and place learning as well as reward-prediction activity of neurons in the nucleus accumbens.

Copyright © 2006, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1243 印刷版ISSN 0001-8724 医学書院


