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最近になって,筆者は「顔の錯視」というカテゴリーを提唱している2)が,現時点では広く認められたものではない。顔の錯視は「顔と言えば顔形」だから形の次元に属することにしたい,すなわち「顔の錯視は幾何学的錯視の一種である」とパーシモニアス(変数節約的)に考えたいところなのだが,顔の錯視で最も親しまれている凹面顔錯視(hollow face illusion)3,4)(Fig.1A)は奥行き知覚の錯視というべきである。凹面顔錯視と双璧を成すサッチャー錯視(Thatcher illusion)5,6)(Fig.1B,C)は顔倒立効果(face inversion effect)の一種であるが,錯覚するのは形というよりは表情である。さらには,近年の「顔ガクガク錯視」(wobbling face illusion)7,8)(Fig.2)となると運動視の錯視と位置づけるべきかもしれないし,あるいは反転図形の一種と考えるところかもしれないが,いずれにしても幾何学的錯視に分類するところではない。
A variety of "face illusions," including the gaze illusion,face inversion effects,geometrical illusions,reversible figures,and other interesting phenomena related to face perception,are reviewed in the present report,with many sample images. The "gaze illusion" or the illusion of eye direction includes the Wollaston illusion,the luminance-induced gaze shift,the Bogart illusion,the eye-shadow-dependent gaze illusion,the Mona Lisa effect,etc. "Face inversion effects" refer to the Thatcher illusion,the fat face-thin illusion,underestimation of the upright face,the nose-shortening illusion of the inverted face,etc. "Geometrical illusions" include the Lee-Freire illusion,Yang's iris illusion,overestimation of the farther eye,the eye-shadow-dependent eye-size illusion,etc. "Reversible figures" contain the whole-part reversible figure,Rubin's vase-face illusion,or hybrid images. "Other interesting phenomena" include the flashed face distortion effect,the presidential illusion,predominance of the mouth or eyebrows over eye expression,the eye direction aftereffect,etc. It is suggested that some of these phenomena are highly specific to face perception.

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