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近年わが国では,高齢人口が未曾有の早さで増加し,それに伴い認知症の高齢者が増え続けている。厚生労働省の推計によれば,その数は2010年頃に200万人を超え,2040年頃にピークを迎えて385万人に達するとされている。このように増え続ける老年期認知症の予防,治療,介護を含めた総合的な対策を講じるには,基礎的研究によって認知症の成因を解明するとともに,疫学研究によって一般住民中の認知症の実態を把握し,その危険因子を明らかにする必要がある。認知症の原因はさまざまであるが,なかでも頻度の高いアルツハイマー病(Alzheimer disease:AD)は,その成因が十分には解明されておらず,また治療法も確立されていないのが実情である。一方,わが国では国民の生活習慣が欧米化し,それに伴い肥満,糖尿病,脂質異常症など代謝性疾患が急速に増加している。これら代謝性疾患は高血圧を合併しやすく,脳動脈硬化を引き起こして脳卒中のみならず脳血管性認知症(vascular dementia:VD)の原因になることが危惧されている。また近年,これら動脈硬化の危険因子がADの成因にも密接に関与するとの考え(血管仮説)が提唱され注目されている。そこで本稿では,国内外の疫学研究の最近の知見をまとめ,代謝性疾患をはじめとする生活習慣病と認知症の関係を検討する。
In this article,we have reviewed the findings of prospective cohort studies throughout the world to examine influences of lifestyle-related diseases on the risks of total dementia,Alzheimer disease (AD),and vascular dementia (VD). In some cohort studies on elderly populations,diabetes was found to be consistently associated with the risk of VD,but was inconsistently associated with the risk of AD. A cohort study on the elderly residents of the town of Hisayama,Japan,revealed the significant associations between glucose intolerance and the risks of both VD and AD. Clinical and experimental evidence has indicated that glucose intolerance and diabetes induce dementia through various mechanisms such as atherosclerosis,microvascular disease,glucose toxicity,and impaired insulin metabolism. No cohort studies have indicated significant associations between late-life hypertension and the risk of AD,and only 1 study has revealed the significant influence of hypertension on the risk of VD in an elderly population. The Hisayama study revealed that late-life hypertension was a significant risk factor for the development of VD but not for AD. A few cohort studies have suggested the presence of significant associations between midlife hypertension and the risks of late-life AD and VD. Metabolic syndrome has been shown to be a risk factor for the development of cognitive impairment,but no prospective cohort studies have investigated the significant influence of this syndrome on the risk of AD or VD. Some cohort studies have examined the associations of hypercholesterolemia with the risk of AD,but the results were inconsistent. Further studies are required to resolve these issues.

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