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強度近視23例35眼に対してエキシマレーザーによる光学的角膜切除photorefractive keratectomyを行い,屈折度を術後2年にわたVて追跡した。術前の屈折度は,−8.0Dから−18.75DであVた。矯正量が6D以下の21眼では,屈折が術後6か月以降ほぼ安定しており,矯正量が6Dを越える14眼では緩やかに近視に向かう傾向が続いた。術後6か月以降に6眼で屈折が20%以上変動した。そのうち2眼は眼圧上昇のために副腎皮質ステロイド薬の点眼を中止した症例であり,他の4眼は9D以上の矯正を行った症例であつた。
We reviewed the clinical course of 35 eyes in 23 patients treated by excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy for high myopia ranging from -8.0D to -18.75D. All the cases were followed up for 2 years or longer. In 21 eyes corrected by 6D or less, the refraction tended to stabilize after 6 months of treatment. In 14 eyes corrected for over 6D, there was a persistent tendency for the refraction to shift towards myopia. Six eyes showed change in refraction by more than 20% after 6 months of treatment, comprising 2 eyes in which topical corticosteroid had to be discontinued due to steroid glaucoma and 4 eyes which were corrected for more than 9 diopters.
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