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最近5年間に当科にて経験した巨大裂孔による網膜剥離の12症例12眼の手術術式および治療成績について検討した。初回手術はscleralbucklingを基本術式として7眼に行い,裂孔縁が翻転していて可動性のあった2眼にはガス注入後scleral buckling,裂孔縁が翻転し可動性のなかった2眼,増殖性硝子体網膜症を伴っていた1眼の計3眼に初回から硝子体手術を行った。網膜の復位は平均27か月の経過観察では92%(12眼中11眼)の良好な復位成績が得られた。術後合併症としてはmacular puckerが4眼,増殖性硝子体網膜症が2眼あった。巨大裂孔に対する手術はこれらの術式を選択して行えば良好な治療成績が得られると思われた。
We reviewed the surgical outcome in 12 eyes with retinal detachment with giant retinal tear during the foregoing 5-year period. As the initial surgical procedure, 7 eyes were treated by scleral buckling and 3 eyes by vitrectomy. Another 2 eyes, in which the tear flap was rolled but mobile, two-step proce-dure by intraocular gas injection and scleral buck-ling were employed. Retinal reattachment was obtained in 11 eyes, 92%, at the end of follow-up averaging 27 months. Macular pucker, 25%, and proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR), 13%, were main postsurgical complications. We advocate above procedure as the first choices in the treat-ment of retinal detachment with giant tear.

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