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要約 目的:流涙を主訴とし涙管通水検査(LST)を行うことになった症例で,同一術者によるLSTと涙道内視鏡検査(DE)所見の一致率,および上下交通の意義について検討した。
Abstract Purpose:This study aimed to evaluate the concordance between lacrimal syringing test(LST)and dacryoendoscopy(DE)findings in cases presenting with epiphora and scheduled for lacrimal duct examinations, all performed by the same surgeon. The study also investigated the significance of communication between upper and lower canaliculi in these examinations.
Methods:A total of 142 patients(178 sides)scheduled for dacryoendoscopy(DE)from October 2022 to March 2023 were included in the study. The following steps were carried out in chronological order:lacrimal syringing test(LST)was performed, followed by DE, and then by lacrimal tube insertion if necessary. Obstruction or stenosis sites were predicted using LST and confirmed by DE.
Results:The concordance rate between predicted obstruction or stenosis sites by LST and those confirmed by DE was 76.6%, which was consistent with previous reports. The obstruction or stenosis sites were classified into the following:lacrimal canaliculus, common canaliculus, upper nasolacrimal duct, and lower nasolacrimal duct, with concordance rates of 75.9%, 87.5%, 78.9%, and 52.4%, respectively. Regarding the utility of estimating communication between upper and lower canaliculi, significant differences were observed among different obstruction sites. The presence of communication between upper and lower canaliculi varied with 100% for common canaliculus, 97% for upper nasolacrimal duct, 47% for lower nasolacrimal duct, and 20% for lacrimal canaliculus. When comparing the frequency of communication between upper and lower canaliculi among the groups, significant differences were observed in all groups except between common canaliculus and upper nasolacrimal duct.
Conclusion:Lacrimal syringing test is reasonably useful as a preoperative examination for epiphora, with an accuracy of 76.6%. There were significant differences in the presence of communication between upper and lower canaliculi, especially between common canaliculus and lower nasolacrimal duct, and between upper and lower nasolacrimal ducts. Discriminating between common canaliculus obstruction and upper nasolacrimal duct obstruction based solely on the degree of communication between upper and lower canaliculi is challenging. However, focusing on both the presence and ratio of communication between upper and lower canaliculi during LST may enhance the accuracy of predicting the obstruction or stenosis sites.
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