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Visual display terminal (VDT)作業者と,一般事務作業者の眼精疲労を比較するため,調節時間,眼圧,視野を指針として検討した.
被検者10名にVDT作業としてオペレーション作業1時間,9名に一般事務作業1時間行わせ,作業による調節機能の変化をaccommodo poly-recorderで測定し,applanation tonometerにて眼圧変化を測定し,octopus視野計にて視野測定を行った.作業後,VDT作業者では,調節緊張時間延長を認め,パターン分類でも調節衰弱パターンを示した.また,眼圧も作業後上昇を認めたが,調節機能と眼圧の間に相関は認めなかった.視野は変化を認めなかった.一般事務作業者は,調節機能に軽度の低下が認められる以外は変化を認めなかった.
We evaluated the possible effects on visual functions after working with video display terminal (VDT) in 10 VDT operators and 9 general office workers as control. We measured the intraocular pressure, accommodativerecovery time and visual field before and after a work-load for one hour. Octopus campimeter was used in evaluating the visual field.
Working with VDT resulted in a marked decrease in accommodative contraction and relaxation. Accom-modative spasm was a frequent finding. The intraocular pressure showed a significant increase. In the control group, no siginificant changes were noted before and after work except slight eyestrain. No campimetrically detectable changes were noted in both groups.The findings indicate that impaired accommodative function and a rise in intraocular pressure are major contributing factors for eyestrain after working with video display terminal.
Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmol) 40(9) : 1027-1031,1986

Copyright © 1986, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.