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皮膚,粘膜及び眼症状を伴う全身的疾患の存在については,最近多くの注目をひき,その報告例もかなり多数にのぼつているが,私も最近Behc—et症候群,或はFranceschetti Valerioのmu—cocutaneo-oculare Syndromeと考えてよいと思われる,結節性紅斑及び口内潰瘍を伴う再発性葡萄膜炎を経験したので,その概要を報告したい。
Recurrence of erythema nodosum accompanying high fever, occational uveitis with hypopyon and ulcerus stomatitis were found in 25 yr. old male patient. This seemed to be belonged to mucocutaneous-oculer syndrome. and should be considered as Behcet's syndrome.
Eosinophilia was presented and allergic change of tissue in exanthem .was found. Mantoux's reaction and skin test by vaccine of staphylococcus albus were positive and stphylococcus albus were able to be cultured from the ulcer in buccal cavity.
Any treatments beside chloromycetin and achromycin have never shown therapeutic effect and prevention of recurrence.

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