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(1) DCA投与群では投与2週間後に血圧150mmHg3週間頃には180mmHgを示した。この血圧上昇に伴ない網膜細動脈は次第に狭細し,細静脈には著明な蛇行を認めるようになつた。病理組織学的には網膜動脈壁に著変を認めなかつた。一方腎では腎皮質の瀰漫性出血,静脈うつ血,糸球体及び細動脈周辺の細胞浸潤,間質の増殖を認めた。
Meeting for hypertensive retinopathy stu-dies was held on Nov. 7, 1964, concurrently with the 18th Annual Congress of Clinical Ophthalmology in Nagoya. Ten papers were read before 82 participants.
1) Takahashi et al., Hirosaki Univ., presen-ted their data on experimentally produced hypertension in rabbits by DCA and choline administration. No histological findings could be elicited in spite of pronounced narrowing and tortuosity of retinal arterioles during the initialperiod after administration of DCA, while thickening of the wall was found in retinal arterioles in rabbits of administrationof choline.

Copyright © 1965, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.