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要約 目的:眼瞼蜂窩織炎で入院して発見された自己免疫性好中球減少症の症例の報告。症例:2歳男児が3日前からの左眼の充血と眼瞼腫脹で入院した。満期産で正常分娩であった。所見:体温38.4℃で脈拍170回/分であり,全身に格別の異常所見はなかった。左眼瞼に発赤腫脹があり,眼窩と眼内に異常はなく,眼瞼蜂窩織炎と診断した。白血球2,900/μl,好中球9.0%,CRP 4.9mg/dlであった。経過:セフメタゾールの静注を開始した。第6病日に好中球が0%となった。骨髄穿刺では正常所見であり,第9病日に解熱し,眼瞼腫脹は寛解した。負荷試験で好中球遊走能は正常で,自己免疫性好中球減少症と診断した。好中球数は以後も低値であるが,経過は良好である。結論:小児の蜂窩織炎では,好中球減少が併発する可能性がある。
Abstract. Purpose:To report autoimmune neutropenia in an infant with palpebral cellulitis. Case:A 2-year-old male infant was hospitalized for hyperemia and swelling of left eyelid since 3 days before. He was born full term. Findings:Systemic findings were normal except fever of 38.4℃ and pulse rate of 170 per minute. The left eyelid showed hyperemia and swelling. Computed tomography showed normal orbit. He was diagnosed with palpebral cellulitis. White cell count was 2,900/μl with neutrophils at 9.0%. Clinical Course:He was treated by intravenous cefmetazole. On day 6 of disease,neutrophil count decreased to 0%. Bone marrow showed normal findings. Additional loading tests led to the diagnosis of autoimmune neutropenia. Eyelid findings became normal on day 9 followed by uneventful course. Conclusion:This case illustrates that autoimmune neutropenia may be present in infantile cellulitis.

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