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藤沢市の公立小・中学校において脊柱側弯症検診を行った.1981年から2007年までの小・中学生1,011,664名を対象とし,検診は一次検診を校医・養護教諭,二次検診を整形外科医,精密検診を整形外科医療機関で行った.一次検診陽性率は小学生4.74%,中学生8.24%であった.二次検診陽性率は小学生0.22%,中学生0.74%(女子1.15%)であった.藤沢市における20°以上の側弯症発生率は中学生0.33%,中学生女子0.59%であった.男子の10°未満の側弯症の発見される割合が多く(小学生73.2%),視診のcutting point(10mm)を見直す必要があると思われた.
We summarize the results of school screenings for scoliosis in Fujisawa City during a 27-year period. The average rate of detection of scoliosis with a curvature greater than 20 degrees according to Cobb's method in junior high school was 0.016% among the boys and 0.156% among the girls. The overall scoliosis morbidity rate in the junior high school population of Fujisawa City was 0.33% (0.59% among girls). Among the schoolchildren examined by X-ray many more boys (482) had scoliosis of less than 10 degrees than had scoliosis greater than 10 degrees (259). From the standpoint of radiation exposure of the children and economic issues, it will be necessary to reassess the present cut off point of the rib hump (10mm) by an examination by orthopedists.

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