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症例 K.C.,64歳女性。
既往歴 1990年4月(59歳時),胃体中〜下部前壁に早期胃癌(IIc)を指摘。6月当院にて胃亜全摘術(BI法,リンパ節郭清)施行。胃癌は胃体部後壁にあり,肉眼的進行程度はstage I。病理所見は,earlycarcinoma IIc type,6.7×4.7cm大,moderatelydifferentiated tubular adenocarcinoma with metas—tasis to the lymph node,組織学的進行度はstage II。手術の結果はcurative resection。1995年1月,急性腰痛症にて当院整形外科入院。L4に骨シンチでuptakeあり。
We report a 64-year-old woman who developed nausea, headache, and consciousness disturbance. She was well until four years before the onset of her neurologic illness when (April of 1990 at her 59 years of the age) she was found to have an early cancer in her anterior wall of the lower stomach. Subtotal gastrectomy was performed and the opera-tive result was reported as curative.
Four years after the surgery (December of 1994 at her 64 years of the age), she noted suboccipital headache and nausea which had become progres-sively worse and she was admitted to our service on May 24, 1995.

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