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Immunohistochemical and Clinicoendocrinological Studies of Gonadotropin Producing Pituitary Adenomas Naoko Sanno 1 , Akira Teramoto 2 , Ken'ichi Inada 2 , Yoshiyuki Osamura 3 1Department of Neurosurgery, Ushioda General Hospital 2Department of Neurosurgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo 3Department of Pathology, Tokai University school of Medicine Keyword: pituitary adenoma , immunohistochemistry , gonadotropin , non-functioning adenoma , follicle-stimulating hormone(FSH)producing adenoma pp.745-753
Published Date 1992/8/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406900373
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In order to study the secretion of gonadotropins in clinically non-functioning pituitary adenomas, 83 cases were investigated by immunohistochemistry.

Expression of one or more of gonadotropinsubunits (α-subunit, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) β, luteinizing hormone (LH) β) was found in 38 (45.8%) of all adenomas studied.

α subunit and FSH β were positive in 28 (33.7%) and 27 (32.5%) cases respectively, whereas LH β was detected in seven (8.4%) adenomas.The pres-ence of both α subunit and FSH β was found in 17 cases, while α subunit was singly positive in 11 cases and FSH β, in 10 cases. LH β was not detected alone, but was always accompanied by α subunit or FSH β.

By the double staining method, α subunit and FSH β were not always colocalized in the same cells. Some cells were found to contain both α subunit and FSH β, but others contained either α subunit or FSH β.

Clinical characteristics of gonadotropin positive adenomas (38 cases) were studied in comparison with null cell adenomas (37 cases), which were negative for all anterior pituitary hormones.

The former (male 27, female 11) ranged in age from 21-74 years old (mean, 46.5yr.), and the latter (male 16, female 21) from 28-68yr (mean, 49.5yr.). Gonadotropin positive adenomas tended to occur in middl - eaged men. All 38 adenomas were macro-adenomas, and 29 patients complained of visual failure. Clinical symptoms accompanied by hyperse-cretion of FSH was infrequent. Hypogonadism (ammenorrhea, galactorrhea, loss of libido) were observed in 8 (9.6%) cases.

Endocrinologically, the basal serum levels of gonadotropin were variable, although 10 (26.3%) patients showed abnormally high serum FSH con-centrations.

The response of serum FSH to LH-RH (luteiniz-ing hormone-releasing hormone) was poor in 24 (63. 2%) cases of gonadotropin positive adenomas and in 19 (51.4%) cases of null cell adenomas.Peak FSH values in LH-RH stimulation were greater than those of LH in 18 (52.9%) cases of gonadotropin positive adenomas and 10 (32.3%) cases of null cell adenomas.

Our immunohistochemical and endocrinological studies suggest that the incidence of gonadotropin producing pituitary adenomas may be more fre-quent than hitherto suspected, and that a continuous transition may exist between gonadotropin produc-ing adenomas and null cell adenomas.

Copyright © 1992, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


