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スキューバーダイビング後に発症したbarotraumatic cerebral air embolismで,CTにてその空気像を確認し得た症例を経験したので若干の文献的考察を加えて報告する。
患者は24歳,女性で水深8m,約20分のスキューバーダイビング後水面上に急速浮上した際,頸部に放散する胸部痛,視力障害,右上下肢脱力感が出現した。入院時,視力は右眼は眼前指数弁,左眼は眼前手動弁で,また右不全片麻痺,右半身知覚鈍麻を認めた。胸部レントゲン写真で縦隔気腫を認めた。また発症10時間後のCTで左前頭葉に空気像を認めた。発症22時間後のCTでは空気像は消失しており,脳浮腫像や脳梗塞像も認めなかった。しかし,MRI T2強調画像で左大脳半球白質に虚血性病変を示唆させるhighintensity areaをび漫性に認めた。発症24時間後網膜中心動脈領域の塞栓によると思われる視力障害は消失したが,片麻痺,知覚鈍麻の改善は認められなかった。そこで,発症30時間後に高圧酸素療法を開始した。その結果,これらの運動,知覚障害は徐々に改善し,同療法終了後ほぼ完全に消失した。
The authors report a case of barotraumatic cere-bral air embolism following scuba diving, in which air embolism was diagnosed by CT. This kind of disorder becomes more frequent with the greater popularity of scuba diving.
A healthy 24-year old woman made a rapid ascent with breath hold after a scuba dive to 8 meters for 20 minutes. On surfacing, she felt chest pain radiating to the cervical region. Shortly thereafter, she developed visual obscuration and weakness in the right arm and leg. On admission, neurological examination revealed right hemipa-resis with hemisensory disturbance. Visual acuity was counting fingers at 1 meter in the right eye and only perception of hand movement in the left. CT obtained 10 hours after the onset revealed no abnoramality except for a small area of air density. A chest x-ray film revealed mediastinal emphysema tracking into the neck. T2-weighted MRI 22 hours after the onset revealed multiple areas of high intensity, suggesting ischemic lesions, in the left hemispheric white matter. The visual dis-turbance, probably due to air embolism in the retinal vessels, was gradually improved and com-pletely disappeared 24 hours after the onset. Nevertheless, there was no change in the motor and sensory disturbance of the extremities. The patient was transferred to an institution with hyperbaric facilities and was given hyperbaric oxygen therapy 30 hours after the accident with almost complete recovery of neurological function.

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