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Ninety-four carotid arteriograms from the patientswith cerebro-vascular diseases were analysed withthe Ring's method in order to re-evaluate thismethod for the diagnosis of the sylvian branchocclusion. In 59 cases whose clinical diagnosis wasthe sylvian infarction, 41 cases (69%) had one ormore radiographical occlusions of this arterial terri-tory. On the contrary, percentage of the falsepositive findings, i. e., radiographically suspectedarterial occlusions without any neurological symp-toms referable to these findings was only 2.7%(1/35).
Seventy-six percent of the radiologically demon-strated arterial occlusions were those of the corticalarterial branches which were only detectable bythe Ring's method. Others were occlusions of themain arterial trunks, such as carotid occlusion (12%)or sylvian trunk occlusion (12%).
As for the sylvian branch occlusions, occlusionof the central sulcus artery was most frequentlyobserved (20 cases), then those of the operculo-frontalartery (11 cases), of the angular artery (10 cases)and of the posterior parietal artery (8 cases). Branchocclusion of the posterior temporal artery was veryrare (one case) and that of the orbito-frontal arterywas not found in our series. Furthermore, onethird of these cortical branch occlusions weremultiple arterial occlusions.
Clinico-radiological correlation was studied about32 cases with cortical branch occlusion. Twenty-five cases (78%) showed an excellent correlation.In 6 cases (19%), radiographical arterial occlusioncould only partially explain the clinical featuresof the patients whose ischemic lesions might belarger than the radiographically estimated extentof infarction. In only one case, arteriographicalocclusion had no clinico-radiological correlation. Itwas a 37-year-old female patient (case 5) showingbrachial dominant right hemiplegia without hem-ianopia which had appeared suddenly at the ageof 17. Her left carotid arteriogram was normal,on the other hand, however, her arteriogram ofthe healthy right side showed absence of the angularartery with formation of collateral circulation byposterior parietal artery.
In regard to 59 cases which were clinically di-agnosed as sylvian infarction, we analysed variousfactors influencing on the percentage of positiveradiographical arterial occlusion.
Mean age of the cases with radiologically dem-onstrable arterial occlusion was 41.9±17.9, whilethat of the radiologically negative cases was 39.9±14.4, the difference being non-significant (P>0.5).
Interval between the onset of the neurologicalsymptoms and the arteriography, and consciousnessstate at the onset were not related to the percentageof the radiographical positivity, which was corre-lated, however, to the poorer prognosis of neuro-logical deficits.

Copyright © 1975, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.