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THE STUDY ON THE AGING OF THE PERFORATING BRANCHES AND ITS POSSIBILITY OF COLLATERAL PATHWAY : CONCERNING WITH CEREBROVAS-CULAR "MOYAMOYA" DISEASE Namio Kodama 1 1Division of Neurosurgery, Institute of Brain Diseases Tohoku University School of Medicine pp.1389-1402
Published Date 1971/11/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406203013
  • Abstract
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In Cerebrovascular "Moyamoya" Disease, child-ren and adults commonly show different aspects of abnormal net-like vessels (called "Moyamoya" in the following) at the base of the brain. The reason for the difference did not have been clarified yet. In order to explain the reason, this study was done to investigate possibility and morphology of the amastomosis between the perforating branches as well as influence of their aging by means of micro-angiography and/or graphycal reconstruction of serial sections.

(1) Three groups of fetuses, children and adults were subjected to the study of the aging of Aa. corporis striati mediae. The number, course, and shape of vessels, that is, on such items as diverting angle at the middle cerebral artery, smoothness or irregular changing of its course or direction as well as diameter are carefully observed by microangio-graphy. Changes by aging were revealed remark-ably in all of these items. It must be noted that the younger had the more arteries, suggesting easiness of collateral formation.

(2) The existence of anastomosis between the perforating branches with each other, between these vessels and Aa. medullaris were clearly veri-fied by graphycal reconstruction of serial sections. It was also observed that pattern of the anastomosis and caliber of its each anastomosis were changed by aging. From this observation it might be well explained that the "Moyamoya" vessels appeared as collateral pathway based on the perforating branchels and also that in the younger, "Moya-moya" vessels are easily formed than the older.

(3) In acute experiments of occlusion of intra-cranial main arteries and immediate microangiogra-phy of the cadavor brain, "Moyamoya" vessels have never appeared both in fetuses and adults in spite of their morphological difference as mentioned above.

(4) It will be concluded that two factors are necessary for occurrence of "Moyamoya" Disease : One will be above mentioned morphological factor of the perforating branches and the other will be functional factor, that is, chronic and progressive stenotic changes at the carotid fork and acomp-anying post stenotic dilatation and so on.

Copyright © 1971, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


