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【抄録】ボルナ病ウイルス(BDV)感染と精神分裂病の関係を検討する目的で,精神分裂病(DSM-IV)入院患者67例を対象に,Western blot法によるBDV抗体,およびPCR法によるBDVのRNA産物の検索と,これら陽陰性群問での患者特性,投与薬剤の比較検討を行った。その結果,健常者群21人中1人(5%)のみにBDVのRNAを検出したのに対し,精神分裂病患者群67例中30例(45%)で,抗BDV抗体もしくはBDVのRNAを検出し,これら陽陰性群間で,総入院期間のみならず,遺伝歴,輸血や結核の既往,身体合併症,薬物投与量,肥満度において有意差は認められなかった。これらの結果をもとに,精神分裂病罹病に院内感染ではないボルナ病ウイルス感染が関与している可能性を考察した。
Detection of antibodies against Borna disease virus (BDV) in sera and BDV RNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from 67 schizophrenia patients (DSM-IV) in the Shikoku area in Japan was performed, after informed consent was obtained.
There were no significant differences in age, onset age and period of hospitalization, accompanying somatic diseases, a past history of tuberculosis, a past history of transfusion, a family history or doses of psychotropic drugs, between the 30 patients positive and the other 37 patients negative for anti-BDV antibodies and/or BDV RNA.
It is possible that there may be no apparent association between BDV infection and hospitalization in schizophrenia patients although the route of BDV infection is unknown.

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