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【抄録】 中高生を中心に「ガスパン遊び」と通称されるライター用ブタンガスの乱用が話題となっているが,乱川の実態やその精神症状の詳細には不明な点も多い。我々は,1997年4月から2000年3月に神奈川県立精神医療センターせりがや病院に初診したライター用ブタンガス乱用者全15例の臨床的特徴を,後方視的な方法によって,同時期に初診したトルエン乱用者23例と比較した。その結果,ブタンガス乱用者では,公的相談機関を介しての受診が多く,単独使用による乱用者が有意に多かった。また,ブタンガス乱用者では吸引時の病的体験の経験が有意に多かったが,病的体験の内容は幻視が最多で,次いで幻聴であり,トルエン乱用者との差はなかった。
Recently, cigarette lighter fluid (butane gas) misuse among junior and senior highschool students has sometimes been reported as a topic in newspapers in Japan. However, the details about this misuse among young people and the mental disorders caused by butane gas are not fully understood.
The authors studied retrospectively the clinical features of young Japanese butane gas abusers compared with those of toluene-based adhesives abusers. Fifteen butane abusers (butane group) and 23 toluene abusers (toluene group), which included all the butane abusers and some of the toluene abusers (all cases which the first author had treated), who had had their first consultation at the Kanagawa Psychiatric Center, Serigaya Hospital from April, 1997 to March, 2000, were selected to participate in the study. Their living backgrounds and the clinical characteristics of the butane group were compared with those of the toluene group.
The results were as follows:
1. The butane group tended to have their first consultation after an introduction by a public youth guidance clinic, while the toluene abusers tended to have their first consultation after an introduction by their school or by the police.
2. The butane group tended to sniff in a solitary setting, while the toluene group tended to sniff in a group setting.
3. The butane group was more likely to have pathological experiences caused by acute intoxication, and had abused the substance for a shorter term till first consultation than the toluene group.
4. In both groups, visual hallucinations were most frequently experienced in the acute stage of intoxication, followed by auditory hallucinations.
Based on these results, the authors pointed out that the abuse of butane might be overlooked because of its odorlessness and the legitimacy of obtaining butane gas. Young people should be enlightened about the danger of abusing butane gas.

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